Friday, 27 November 2009

Snow Bunting (Plectrophenax nivalis)

I was very fortunate to get a brief chance to capture some shots of these two Snow Buntings as they flitted along the beach at Horsey Gap right beneath the dune embankment. It was a chance sighting by a friend (thanks Keith) as we were watching Grey Seals hauled out on the beach so I rushed ahead of their flight direction and waited using the 70-300m at full stretch.

Horsey Gap - 18.11.09


  1. Delightful little birds Frank, I have never seen one apart from in books of course. No chance of seeing one here I think.

  2. Hi Jan. Yes, they are quite charming and often unfearful of humans.

  3. Another I've yet to see for myself. Lovely looking little birds Frank.

  4. Keith. Put them on your wish list for 2010 and we'll see what we can do.

  5. Arn't they lovely little birds Frank. Maybe all the more so cos we don't get to see them that often. Always a treat! (-:

  6. Wow ! they are so nice never seen them before well maybe I have but life was to hectic to notice the smaller things in our lives. even though I reared rare breeds and always liked and had animals etc much better than people. they don't ask for much only to be left alone,

  7. ...I have yet to see a Snow Bunting....hope to get one this winter...

  8. Hi Kelly. They are delightful winter visitors and if the weather is calm you can generally get quite close. I hope you catch up with one soon.


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