Saturday, 10 June 2017

Spoonbills at Lake Kerkini, Greece.

Another species that I have only ever photographed once before in the UK and at some distance was the Eurasian Spoonbill (Platalea leucorodia) so another enjoyable encounter was the 40+ encamped in the drowned forest on Lake Kerniki, Greece.

An adult standing guard over two youngsters in one of the nests situated within close proximity of the very numerous and noisy nesting Cormorants.

The left hand bird (above) of this probable breeding pair was ringed 'V2'. I sent off a report via BTO and received its record history from the Dutch coordinator confirming it was ringed on 20 May 2001 at Lake Kerniki. The only previous reported sighting was in 2010 on the lake.

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