Sunday, 20 December 2009

Christmas Greetings from him and me.

With just a few days to go I would like to wish all the 'followers' of my new FABirding photo-blog and all other passers-by a very Happy Christmas and a wildlife full 2010.

Special thanks to a friend and talented artist Kelly for producing this delightful watercolour of Robin Readbreast from my original are a 'star'.    FAB


  1. Stunning~ Great work on both the part of the photographer as well as the water colourist~

  2. And a very merry Christmas from me Frank.

    Kelly has done an excellent job with the painting. Really captured the character of the Robin.

  3. I just discovered this other blog of yours, Frank...fabulous painting of the robin, and your photos are wonderful too. Happy birding in 2010!

  4. Hi Jann. Thanks for checking this blog out. Yes, the watercolour is great .. the artist is very talented.

  5. Haha! What a surprise to see that cute little fellow!! He looks fab!

  6. Hi Kelly. Yes he does, thanks to you.


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