Thursday, 23 June 2011

Resting Chaser.

After the long journey home from a very wet and windy Cumbria I am resting just like this female Broad-bodied Chaser (Libellula depressa) that conveniently placed herself in front of the lens during a short walk around a local woodland glade today without the need for any waterproof clothing!   FAB.

[ 1/200; f/10; ISO 400 @ 300mm and cropped]


  1. Lovely close-up image! She's a beauty! Gorgeous wings.

  2. Thank you Julie and Mary.

  3. Lovely to see the Broad Bodied Chaser, Ive yet to catch sight of one this year. Linda

  4. She looks so content! Great capture!

  5. Hi Linda. I think the weather pattern this year has certainly had an effect on the fewer numbers I have seen so far.

    Hi Jeanne. Catching her breath inbetween forays with the males


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